About Humannovations-U

Skills and Confidence for Your Community's Health

Humannovations-U is a global learning hub for creating healthier, more compassionate communities. Our innovative skills training bring the best on online and live experiential learning together to ensure that professionals, companies and everyday people have the skllls and confidence to make a difference for others when it matters most. Our core seminars in crisis support, peer support and suicide prevention are grounded in dignity, social justice and a deep respect for the power of culture.

Upcoming Trainings

Humannovations-U courses are available to organizations worldwide

Peer Support SPACES

Peer Support SPACES training from Humannovations can help your employees help each other through peer-to-peer support at their most vulnerable moments. We virtually train your employees to listen, support, and encourage each other based on their shared experiences. Peer Support SPACES offers a solid grounding in principles and techniques of peer support and provides multiple opportunities to practice those techniques in a neutral, safe environment.

Growing Through II: Intensity Ally

Hummanovations invites you to the second installment of the Growing Through Series

Through Growing Through II: Encountering Intensity, you will learn and practice positive skills for supporting others in distress in and responding to high-risk situations when emotions run high. Encountering Intensity takes Growing Through skill fundamentals to the next level with tools for supporting others in crisis, preventing violence, and collaborating to reduce suicide risk. *COMPLETION OF GROWING THROUGH I REQUIRED.*

At Humannovations-U you learn!

  • Peer Support in Practice

    Humannovations-U is an international Center for Learning Journeys in the Art and Science of Peer Support. Our leadership has created innovative training seminars connecting mental health peer support, suicide prevention and workplace resources worldwide.

  • Crisis Support and Communications

    How can you help someone at life's most difficult moment? Learn more about being there in the spirit of growth when violence and suicide are present. GROWING THROUGH trainings are about making a difference when it matters most.

  • Workplace Mental Health

    What does a psychologically safe and healthy workplace look like? How can supervisors be supportive while focusing on performance? Our informational webinar series on the nitty gritty for human resource specialists and executives is coming soon.

  • Community Advocacy and Health Justice

    Humannovations is dedicated to transformative impact in mental health and suicide prevention for a social justice lens. Our workshops on health policy and systems advocacy empower communities worldwide with the skills to make change real.


Hummanovations-U offers training to individuals, companies, organizations, and institutions.

We offer trainings, seminars and workshops to individuals of all backgrounds and education levels who want to cultivate skills and confidence for serving as an ally to others in these difficult times, including effectively using one’s personal experience. If you are an organization/company seeking support for your employees, please email us at [email protected]. We have served companies from the private sector to the government level. Our programs are customizable to your needs.

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